Um daginn fengum við fyrirspurn um þrautakeppnir á hjólum hérlendis frá Tim Williamson í Bandaríkjunum.  Það er nú ekki mikið keppt í því sporti hér þó klúbburinn hafi staðið fyrir þó nokkrum léttum keppnum í slíku.  Þar sem Tim er mikill áhugamaður um svona þrautakeppnir eða Trials eins og það er kallað á ensku þá bauðst hann til að gefa okkur tvær spólur, svo við gætum kynnt okkur þetta betur.  Að sjálfsögðu þáðum við boðið og spólurnar eru nú komnar bókasafnið okkar að Brekkustíg 2, ásamt öðru fjölbreyttu efni.

   Hér fyrir neðan má sjá skeytin frá Tim.  Ég sendi honum kærar þakkir en örugglega hefði hann gaman að heyra frá fleirum sem kíkja á myndböndin, svo þig skulið vera ófeimin við að senda honum skeyti.

   Páll Guðjónsson


    I was surfing the internet and came upon your website....very nice!
    I was wondering if you know if there are many trials riders in
Iceland?  My main business is as shop that specializes in trials bikes
and parts.  My favorite thing to do is to travel.  I also organize local
and national trials competitions here in the USA.
    Since I like to travel, maybe I could use this opportunity to help
trials riders in and vacation in one!
    Let me know your thoughts.....or who I might get ahold of.  I
appologize for not speaking Icelandic.
Trialsin USA
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    Thank you very much for your responce.  I recieved message from
Albert....but it sounds like there is not anyone riding Trials (not Time Trials
road bikes)....the type of riding where one takes a mountian bike through
obstacle courses.  Let me know if you would have any interest in seeing a video
of such riding.....would sent it to you no charge....always like to spread the
Trialsin USA


    I just mailed two videos to you this morning.  One is an instructional (yet
very funny too!) featuring two famous British trials riders and Hans Rey (sorry,
this one I did not have in PAL format).  The second is more of a fun video
featuring Schwinn Pro trials rider Jeff Lenosky (US) and NORCO Pro trials rider
Ryan Leech (Canada)...this one is in PAL format.
    You should receive them in a week or so.  Let me know how you like them.
Trialsin USA
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    I am glad you and your fellow riders liked the videos.  If you know anyone
that does that sort of riding, take a picture and send it to me.  I would love
to put it up on my web page where I have people from all over.......but none
from Iceland yet!
    Also, do you track the traffic on your web page?  If so, I would like to do
a little experiment.  I would like to put at link on my Updates page of my
web-site to your club web page....and see if you get increase in traffic.  Let
me know your thoughts.
    Great pictures of people having fun on your web-site!
Trialsin USA