En málefnið er gott, peningum sem safnast á að verja til að halda mót sem styrkja sjálfsmynd barna með sjálfsofnæmi sem getur valdið hárlosi um allan líkamann.
The charity helps children and adults come to terms with a little known condition called alopecia. This is an auto imune condition which in extreme cases can cause all body hair to fall out. Imagine yourself if you were to wake up tomorrow with your hair now on the pillow what would you do?
BeBold Alopecia Awareness hold an annual summer camp for children and adults with the condition to help build self esteem and confidence. We want to raise enough finance to secure the future of this camp over the coming years. Your support will be extremely welcome and will enable the team to rebuild shattered lives. Enjoy the adventure with us!
Þau halda úti vef sem lýstir þessari áskorun sem þau eru að takast á við: www.icemen.bebold.org.uk

The Ride
The route we plan to take is approx. 1600 miles (less I hope!) and will follow the rim of Iceland where possible. The only thing that is set in stone with the ride is that we land in Keflavik and take off from Keflavik 16 days later. Why? you may ask, well the answer is simple we don’t know what to expect, the weather, terrain, how we feel that day will all have an effect on how many miles we can ride and therefore where we will stop that night. No matter though as we have our tents and stoves
Riding between 130 & 160 miles a day, (209-257 km á dag.), some flat, lots of hills, terrible roads, river crossings, sand fly’s, volcanic ash. On top of that we carry everything we need to live and stay safe.
There are many things we will have to overcome, the main one being fresh water. It’s easy to come by in UK, turn on the tap, go to the shop easy. Now imagine being in the middle of nowhere, no taps, very few shops and we can only carry so much. The solution? Melt water from the Glacier is one option, stream water is another. The other thing we need is food, lots of it! Again we can only carry so much so we are going to have to keep it simple, probably pasta and porridge.
The Climb
The Mountain is another thing we need to carry kit for. We can't afford to carry the normal climbing kit we would use in the Alps or Scotland as it is too heavy and bulky to put in a pannier. We plan to do an ultra-light weight ascent using only fell shoes, micro spikes and our bike clothing, I know it may sound crazy but we have climbed many mountains between us over the years and we have the experience to do this safely. I would not suggest to anybody to do what we are doing.
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