Michael Tran is a 3rd year graphic design student at LHÍ. His final project (to be shown at Hafnarhúsið in late April) is the visualisation of a bike tour that he made in 2005 from Paris to Munich through the Alps.

I will tell you the story of my tour, which included riding up Alpe-d'Huez and Col du Galibier. This will be followed by a discussion about my final project, which originates from the problems that we have of explaining to our friends and family what actually happens during a bike tour. My project aims to find the best way to explain my trip (and bike tours in general). What graphic forms should be used? How do you show the journey? How do you show the emotions and thoughts that run through your head during a bike tour? I look forward to receiving your valuable thoughts on my project.

See you Thursday!
