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 EuroVelo leiðir um Evrópu



All Routes Lead to EuroVelo

Ambitious trans-European Cycling Network adds over 10,000 Kilometres of Bicycle Route
EuroVelo Press Release.pdf

Over 10,000 kilometres of cycle routes were added to European Cycle Network, EuroVelo as the two new cycle routes were officially inaugurated at the European Parliament in Brussels last night. EuroVelo provides an estimated €5 billion boost per year to the EU’s economy.  EU officials, parliamentarians, route planners and coordinators gathered to discuss a common EuroVelo strategy and expect the trans-European cycle route network to be completed by 2020.

The two new routes added to the network include the famous Iron Curtain Trail (EV13), which spans over 9000 kilometres and crosses 20 countries, tracing the remnants of the Iron Curtain which divided Europe for almost half a century. The Rhine Route (EV15) is also joining the network. It follows the Rhine River running from Switzerland, via Germany and France to the Netherlands, treating cycling tourists with spectacular views of castles and wine yards along the away. Both itineraries can now be signposted with EuroVelo signage, bringing the total number of the cycle routes to 14.

Bringing Europe’s vast collection of cycle routes under the one umbrella is no easy task, taking extensive cooperation on the international and local level, requiring a complex understanding of local traffic codes and politics. But having a unified EU network of bicycle routes pays dividends. Melanie Wicht Matas, who manages the Rhein Route says that EuroVelo branding has a “huge added value”.

“It’s not very easy to market on a trans-national level, but we’re very happy that this challenge has been taken up,” explains Matas, “This network is just great to reach all the important actors”

The estimated economic impact of the EuroVelo Network is €5 billion annually,” notes Adam Bodor, manager of the EuroVelo Network, “it’s becoming a mainstream form of sustainable tourism and there are 12.5 million holiday trips per year and 33.3 million day excursions.” An estimated 3% of all holidays in the EU are done by bicycle.

Michael Cramer, Greens’ MEP from Germany and the brainchild behind the ‘Iron Curtain Trail’ was keen to highlight the advantages of cycling and cycle tourism: "We all know that those who’ll master the future know the past. The Iron Curtain Trail is a wonderful example of riding amongst history, culture, politics and nature.”

“Cycle tourism is not only of ecological importance,” Cramer explains, “And when considering that a cycle tourist spends more money a day than a tourist travelling by car, it is obvious that cycle tourism is important for economic reasons and especially for local businesses."

The network is set to be completed by 2020.

About Eurovelo:

What is EuroVelo? The EuroVelo aims to combine sustainable tourism, government and transportation to create a network 14 trans-European routes. This network totals over 70,000 km, of which more than 45,000 km is complete. The sign-posted routes have to meet specific requirements in order to join the network. The European Cyclists’ Federation is the lead partner for the EuroVelo project

For more information, and interviews etc. please contact:

Julian Ferguson, Communications Officer

Tel: +32 2880 9281

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

    For Pictures of the inauguration please visit:
    For Pictures of the Rhine Route, please visit:
    For the latest EuroVelo map, please visit:
    For an study on the economic benefits of the EuroVelo Network visit: